Well, Here’s Your Problem……..

Buried somewhere in the mystical rituals that must be traversed to attain Republican Party Representative status, there must be some version of a voir dire wherein the aspiring candidate must prove that he or she has never read George Santayana.  They are at it again, this time in the Ohio House Committee.

Ohio House Votes To De-fund Planned Parenthood

The moral of this story is much the same as any number of frustrating and irritating political stories we have seen over the last few years.

Remember the election, GOP?  Yeah, the proverbial ass kickin’ you just received?  I know you are all scrambling around pointing fingers in any direction but your own.  Pundits and analysts are trying to figure out what went wrong, and how your projected numbers could have been so wrong.

This is what went wrong, guys.  This is the type of legislation you seem obsessed with pushing through, and we all know that.  We learned that if we want the government out of our love lives and our bodies, most of y’all must go.  Y’all learned nothing.  You are still trying to wage a war on women.  We don’t like it.  If you don’t stop it, we will smite you.

Insulting? Yep, You Betcha. Racist? Yeah, I Think So Too, Bill…….

Bill Maher continues to amaze me.  I seldom listen to him for very long before he manages to toss some nasty slap in with his commentary that turns me off him.  Over the last few weeks I have seen multiple quotes that not only did not offend me, but actually voiced my own thoughts quite well.  Now I have fallen over an entire blog entry that is worded so much better than I could say it, I just gotta’ pass it along.

Bill Maher – Obama.  “He Tried.  You Tried.”

Every time I think the sad, extended train wreck that is the Republican Presidential campaign cannot make me lose any more faith in a large segment of our population, they go and do it again.  I don’t understand why anyone except a tiny percentage of upper class wealthy Caucasian males of specific religious bent would vote for anyone flying under this banner.  I really, really don’t.

The Conservatives have managed to accomplish something I never thought possible.  They shaped current conditions so that a blog entry from Bill Maher made my night.

Legitimizing Hair Loss………

Hmmm. Representative Akin has a receding hairline.  What are we to make of that?

legitimate hair loss

Well, okay then.  About damn time I stopped being forced to pay for your Propecia.  I bet you use it every time you grow a hair, too.

I know, I know.  I’m getting a little snarky about the Akin flap.   It is truly offensive,  though, and honestly it just makes me so darned mad I find the best way to deal with it is find ways to laugh about it.

For anyone who came late to the party, read this and you’ll know pretty much all you need to know about Representative Akins.

* picture taken from the Facebook page of Americans Against The Tea Party.

Oh, The Horror…….

Just simply appalling.

The Conservative Psyche : How Ordinary People Come To Embrace Paul Ryan’s Cruelty

This might partially explain why some of the seniors I have come in contact with are still embracing Mittens & Company.  They simply cannot fathom the depths of evil lurking under those two smarmalicious smiles.  To slightly misquote SCRUBS, “They are bastard coated bastards with bastard filling.”

I Was Flippin’, When Floppin’ Wasn’t Cool……..

Thank you, Americans Against The Tea Party, for causing me to snort my coffee this morning.  It was still worth it.

Flip Flopping

And for some reason, now I have “I Was Country When Country Wasn’t Cool” stuck in my head. Barbara Mandrell deserves better than that.

*picture taken from the Facebook page of Americans Against The Tea Party, and originated from Liberal Info With Samuel

Not Very Nice. Still, Lots Of Truth.

Mitt Nutrition Info

Not the nicest way to put it, but still a lot of truth. Kinda funny, too. Unless you’re a Stepford Repub or a Tea Partier. Then probably not so much.

thanks to the Facebook page of Americans Against The Tea Party, from whom this picture was borrowed.

I’ll Just Take My Ball & Go Home…….

I have a counter proposal.  You and the rest of your wingnut followers go home, and let those who actually want to do something productive and helpful instead of focusing all their energy on obstructionist silliness get something done.


At what point did we all wake up and find ourselves regressed back to the schoolyard?  Ya’ lost.  It passed.  Ya’ wasted a ridiculous amount of time and our taxpayer dollars trying to stop it, then trying over and over to repeal it.  It still stands.  Shut your tax-paid and tax-health insured mouth, sit down, and let the adults do what you were all sent to Washington to do.


Anne Puts Us In Our Place

You people.  Seriously? YOU PEOPLE.  How very  Antionette-esque of you, my dear.

Ann Romney interview with Robin Roberts July 19, 2012

Here’s the thing…that isn’t even the most glaringly foot-in-mouth thing she said in this clip.  Far more interesting to me was her outright admission that the rationale behind refusals to release any more records stems from their knowledge that to do so will open them up to more attacks.  Geez, REALLY?  What could possibly be in Mitt’s currently unreleased files that could in ANY way make him look worse?  I am beginning to wonder if perhaps this isn’t a last ditch effort of epic level smoke & mirrors on the part of the Romney camp.  Let’s face it, he ain’t much.  Public opinion can be turned and directed so very easily  if done properly.  What if the much discussed records are as barren as Al Capone’s vault?  We know how well that turned out for Rivera, right?  Maybe, just maybe, they are allowing the furor to build in preparation for the release of………pfffffft.  At that point, if done right, they could coast on that, because they would be able to present the reasoning to the public that since there was nothing in the records, obviously there is nothing to hide anywhere else.  It would be a wonderful turning of tables, and I can’t imagine how else they could possibly be planning to play the situation at this point that goes anywhere but down the drain he is currently circling.    My only other theory is that the Romneys and their supporters exist………THERE…………and the rest of us exist………..HERE…………….with only a special magic time traveling mailbox to connect us.  Perhaps that makes more sense, anyway.

And the Disillusionment Continues……

At what point does it become apparent that there is something dreadfully wrong within your party, guys?  Your own supporters are easing back and speaking up against your policies and behavior.

Fighting The Right : Conservatives Find Republican Party Line Hard To Follow (Nick O’Malley)

A Sudden Moment Of Clarity

I just scrolled through my Facebook feed and found this appalling little post waiting for me.  Sadly, it was posted by someone I actually know, and used to work with.  I have been acquainted with this woman for over 25 years, but I suddenly feel as though I just met her for the first time.  I can’t say I was impressed with the introduction, either.  As the election year drags on we will see more of this ignorance, intolerance, hate, and rabble rousing and I do not look forward to it at all.  I abhor the ugliness that lurks behind this behavior and these awful attitudes, regardless of where it originates.  Shame on the person who originated this pic, shame on the one who added the nasty message to it, shame on the one who posted it on Facebook, shame on anyone who shared it because they supported it………..and shame on me as well.  I put it here in protest of the racism and hate behind it, but honestly I am not much better, because I just spread it around a little, too.  A picture IS worth a thousand words, and I hope none of the words from this picture ever worm their way into my vocabulary.  How disgusting.

Awful.  Just awful.

I am just plain horrified & embarrassed to see garbage like this on my newsfeed on a daily basis. This was by no means a unique post but it was the one that finally pushed me off the ledge. How can anyone I call friend feel this way?