Gay Rights By State InfoGraphic

Interesting.  Not at all surprised to see that my state kinda sucks where any kind of progress is concerned.

Gay Rights InfoGraphic

gay rights screen cap

click on the above link for more detailed information

6 thoughts on “Gay Rights By State InfoGraphic

  1. gkinnard says:

    I’m in Kansas. We barely got evolution back a few years ago. We have the “you-know-who” church-family that likes to take their hate parade on the road every chance they get. Obviously we have a long way to go. . . .

  2. Am I really surprised that the Southeast is one huge black hole?

  3. rich says:

    that’s a cool graphic. do you mind if i borrow your post?

  4. 3teensmom says:

    NOMINATION!!! Please copy and paste award from my site here and follow the rules to accept (it’s OK if you choose not to):

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